Friday, August 11, 2006

An Abstract Fabric - Feeling Pathos

Hello All.

I had written this poem near the end of last year when everything seemed to go wrong...the course I was in wasn't going on well due to problems at the University, my health wasn't good, had lost touch with my favourite game, had parted ways, not too amicably, with a very dear and close friend due to mutual foolishness and high headedness...ah well....just read on.

It’s Been Quite Long A Journey

Seems a while, seems certainly a little while....

I take up my pen to write, write what?

Words fail me; I know not what to write....

Is it that memories shroud memories?

Are the ghosts of my past way-laying emotions?

Words fail me; I know not what to write.

Seems a while, seems certainly a while....

I finger my piano, to render what?

Chords fail me; I know not what to play....

Is it that complacency restricts symphony?

Are my past blunders taunting my present?

Chords fail me; I know not what to play.

Seems a while, seems certainly a while....

I look out my window, to see what?

It breezes no more; I know not what to feel

Is it that nature has sensed my apprehension?

Are the forces making me atone for deeds undone?

It breezes no more; I know not what to feel.

Seems a while, seems certainly a while....

I try to delve deep; to remember what?

Pictures fail me; I know not what to see...

Is love taking precedence to reason and instinct?

Are vices taking charge of Faith, long committed?

Pictures fail me; I know not what to see.

Yes, it has certainly been a while,

Memories, I hold near to my heart...

All along in this hike over the brambly path of life

They sole my feet and bind my heart,

Against the cold....the cold of darkness,

Which comes along thick and crisp now...

I can hear the wind howling ominously,

I can sense the mist come down stiflingly,

Blanketing the hard cold earth on which I lie.

Waiting and waiting....for what? I know not.

And yet I wait. Is this not the irony of existence?

This sense of Deja vu? What goes up must come down?

Yes, it seems a while, seems certainly a while


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